Short film, 15' - Choreographer & Co-director
In a derelict factory space, characters move to impulses, memory loops, fragments of feeling. Isolated in their own dense, stagnated realities, they communicate imperceptibly with each other in a ritual of anticipation and release, confined by the laws of the ‘steady state’, the dynamic stasis.
Inspired by the choreography of Urbe, but stripped of its socio-political and sensorial contexts, the performers interact with space and time without narrative substructure and interpersonal reference: bodies without foothold, in a state of suspension and release, in illusory congruence and stability. Through their bodies surge eloquent yet inscrutable impulses, building to a crescendo; but the impulses subside, yielding to the Fliessgleichgewicht.
Produced By Maverick Motion Ltd.
“Radical for a dance film because it is about the space between”